Thursday, November 10, 2011

So proud

I never thought I could feel such pride and love for a my baby falling asleep but I do! She is doing things on her own and it is so impressive and sometimes hard to watch how fast she is growing!

Today she fell asleep on me, ON HER OWN! this is amazing because she usually wants to be fed as she falls asleep, and she won't let me put her down most of the time. Today she nursed for a little but seemed uninterested after a little while, so I took her off and just laid her on my lap while I watched a show on the computer. She basically went right to sleep! No rocking or swaying, no nursing. She just went to sleep! I was actually really sad at first because I like nursing her and holding her while she sleeps, most of the time.

I can't believe how much she is figuring out these days. She holds onto things and then puts them in her mouth, she laughs, she sleeps really well. I am so impressed with her patience with me, I mean maybe this is how she has been wanting to sleep the whole time but I just wasn't "listening" to her? It is so hard to try and figure out what babies want or need sometimes and I love how she still loves me even though I get it wrong most of the time.

I am beyond blown away by the fact that a 2 month old can have favorite toys and has a certain way she likes to be held! It is so fun to talk to her about heaven and what she remembers and then have her coo back like she knows exactly what I just said and is trying to answer it the best she can. I marvel at her strength (so does the Doctor:) I knew she would be amazing but I never imagined how amazing! I never speculated how much I would learn from her and love her at this tiny age. She is my everything and knowing that makes me want to be better.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to feel gratitude. Gratitude is something we all take for granted sometimes. Can you imagine what it would be like to not feel gratitude for certain things you have? Sometimes it's hard to feel grateful for what we have because it's always there so today I am here writing this while glancing at my sleeping angel feeling so thankful for what I have been given and I hope I never forget it! Who knew a sleeping baby would cause me to have so much enlightenment?


Jill and Dane said...

I love it! Go Summer and go Mommy! Those moments and achievements carry you through to the next ones.

I feel like I've grown more and learned more about Heavenly Father and Christ and Heavenly Father's plan for me in the 1 year I've been a Mom, than my entire 25 previous years of life combined!

Mindy said...

Summer is such a sweet girl. Its good to write all your thoughts down like you are, and while you have time. Way to go, putting yourself to sleep Summer. Something that can be hard to learn. I usually have had to retrain my kids a few different times during different baby stages. What a great feeling to go out as a family.