Thursday, June 30, 2011

bb shower #2

this order of photos will be very random but they are all amazing so enjoy! I got these images from my friends blog again,

We made cupcake jars and they turned out sooo adorable, I love the neapolitan feel.

The sign says "welcome Summer" and we had a delicious yogurt and fruit bar.

The cake was inspired by other cake's we saw that were similar, I love the ruffle feel.
fruit kabobs, chocolate dipped strawberries and quiche
donut holes were great but the best part was the monograms and cute boxes!
Love these drinks and they went perfect with the colors.
There's Kristin herself she was the party planner, photographer, name it she did it, thanks! also, yes I am wearing the same dress as bb shower #1 because it's all that fits me and lets me sit without having to struggle to sit lady like:)
I don't know why this pic is small but this pic is of all my bff's! I am lucky to have their support now and always! Thanks girls!

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