There's no hiding it that's for sure. I promised some of you belly shots and here they be but I cut out the neck and head for obvious reasons. I mean who wants there face in the same frame as their growing belly? I didn't have makeup on anyways.
The baby as you know is a girl and we have decided to name her Summer. I personally love the name and I think if you don't like it that's to bad:) She is kicking a lot this week! Mainly after I get done eating lunch and in the middle of the night. The kicking doesn't wake me up but I don't sleep very well because I HATE sleeping on my side so I am up anyways to notice the kicking. I started my new semester and already can't wait for it to be over in some classes. At least I have little baby stuff to look at on my breaks from school work. Summer is already one loved kid!
The baby as you know is a girl and we have decided to name her Summer. I personally love the name and I think if you don't like it that's to bad:) She is kicking a lot this week! Mainly after I get done eating lunch and in the middle of the night. The kicking doesn't wake me up but I don't sleep very well because I HATE sleeping on my side so I am up anyways to notice the kicking. I started my new semester and already can't wait for it to be over in some classes. At least I have little baby stuff to look at on my breaks from school work. Summer is already one loved kid!
Yay!! You look so cute. And I personally LOVE the name Summer. I've run it by my husband many times to no avail! We don't have girls anyways ha ha! :)
Love the name Summer that was one of my girl names.
You look so cute! I love the name too. Do you have a middle name as well?
What a cute name! I love it! And such a cute little baby bump. I can't wait to meet her. :)
So stinkin' cute! I love summer. Makes me think of the movie 500 days of Summer. I'm sure your little one will be cuter than zoey though :)
me an Brian both LOVE the name Summer and know we'll love the little girl with the name!
maybe one day Summer and Cohen will fall in love...just like in the OC :)
I LOVE the name Summer. That's my only nieces name and I haven't really heard of anyone else with that name. And since I can't really use it (since it's taken in my family), I'm glad to see someone else get to :) P.S. Your baby bump is looking so cute!
I am so excited for you! By the way Carrie is going to be a fabulous aunt to Miss Summer. She got my colicy baby to sleep so I could finish getting my hair did. :)
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