Friday, February 11, 2011

Best sick day EVER!

I woke up this morning with the worst pain in my head and sinus area that I couldn't get out of bed. 2 complete puffs plus lotion tissue boxes later I pulled myself out of bed, took a shower and went across the street to the store to get more puffs plus lotion tissue boxes( I can't use any other kind or else my nose bleeds from being so dry and cracked.) I forgot this amazing store had a salad bar so that was #1 awesome thing that happened today.
I get home from store begin to sulk and feel sorry for myself again while watching the valentine's day episodes of Parks and Rec and The Office....Then it happened, the buzzer buzzed! I knew straight away it was a package from my sweet mom! It seems like an eternity before the UPS guy makes it to my door and I rip the packages from his hands, and yes I said Packages!! Two pretty brown packages like the one's below filled with Valentine's Day treats for me:)
I can't believe I made time to take a picture, below is what happened when I tore into them.

One of the boxes is from my sweet Aunt Sheila, she gave me the big pink bag in the back, it contains the most delicious most dangerous cookies known to man. I almost cried when I opened it! Then box #2 opens and my mom has sent us a loot! Enough Reese's candies to choke my sweet husband and tons of fun stuff for me. A make up brush I'm in desperate need of, scented drawer pillow to make my clothes smell divine, The movie of Jane Eyre, Book: The Red Tent, and a much needed lint roller. I am over joyed with this amazingness!! As I stuff my face with heart cookies with pink frosting, while laying in a pile of V-day gifts I feel so thankful for my wonderful parents and family. I miss them so much right now, maybe because I'm sick and I want them to be here to feel sorry for me? Anyway, I'm lucky and all though my head feels like a 50lb weight is hitting it in the back and front this great surprise made my day and I feel 1000% better.

Enjoying the fattening food, you can't even tell that I can't taste the goodness because of my plugged up nose:)

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