Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 months!

Can you believe it? It's crazy that my baby is 2 months old already! She is the light of our lives, our worlds literally revolve around her and we love it!
She got 2 shots today and is now sleeping peacefully. Hopefully she won't have a very bad reaction to them? I didn't cry when she got her shots because I know it's good for her so I don't let myself. She on the other hand screamed for a while but she was smiley again after a little while. She is strong and I know this because the Dr. told me so.

The doctor came into the room laughing because Summer is sooooo healthy aka BIG. She said that Summer is a strong, healthy, robust baby. I didn't know Sum was so big because she doesn't have a lot of rolls, turns out she is HUGE and doesn't have very many rolls yet because she is just head and muscle.

Weight: 12 lbs 10oz.=90th percentile
length: 24 1/4 in.= 95th percentile
head: 41.7cm = 97th percentile (duh, I had a C-section right!)

She loves to suck and chew on her hand. Detests pacifiers!
She enjoys her baths, sometimes so much that she relaxes to much and goes to the bathroom which cuts the bath short, which she hates:)
She loves to coo at J and I. And when I sing she lengthens out the coo so it sounds like singing almost.
Obsession isn't a good enough word to describe her affinity for her play mat! I am grateful for this mat, she smiles and kicks and punches when she gets down on that thing. The bird at the top is seriously her best friend.
She lets me put her down for naps sometimes after falling asleep on me of course and bedtime is awesome! She fusses but once she's down, she sleeps! Last night she only got up once to feed.

yep, we love her and are so grateful for the beautiful healthy girl she is. I sometimes wonder what she's thinking and I hope she is just thinking about how happy and loved she is. My day is dedicated to making her smile, when I see it I feel like I waited my whole life to see that smile and it was worth the wait!!

I am also a little sad today. A family friend lost her fight with breast cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family, especially her husband and children. I am so grateful for the knowledge we can all have of life after death and being able to be reunited with loved ones. When I look at my baby's face it makes me want to live my life like this friend did, in such a way so that we can be together forever.
Here's her blog if you're interested


Becca said...

She is cute, Siera!! Have you tried swaddling her? Maybe that will help her sleep? Probably not though if she loves her hands!

Bobbiejane said...

She's SO darn cute!!! I want to play with her and squeeze her! We miss you guys!

Jill and Dane said...

I can't believe she is 2 months already! Time flies huh? She is adorable and I'm glad to hear so healthy! Sounds like she is perfectly proportionate. :) That is awesome she is sleeping so well at night. It makes SUCH A difference when they start sleeping well...and at 2 months! That is awesome. Keep up the good work Momma. :)