Thursday, January 19, 2012

Prayers please

My little nephew is having surgery. I haven't met him yet but I am completely obsessed with this little guy. He and Sum are exactly one month apart so when my Sister-in-law posts about how she feels about her baby it really hits home.

As a parent I can't imagine what it feels like to have this surgery coming but I know that I want to help, this is one way I feel like I can. Asking for prayers is just a little extra step that I hope will help.

I want him to be watched over and protected, I pray every night. In fact we pray multiple times a day. With Sum, as a couple, family prayer, individually...he is constantly on our minds.

My sis-in-law's blog is here and I especially like this post. She has such a great family, we love them and hope you'll remember baby J in your prayers too. The more prayers the better!

1 comment:

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

Oh my. You are so kind to do this. Thank you, I cannot express my gratitude for your love and support for my dear Jack.