Friday, January 28, 2011

I know, I know!

Well, it's been forever I know! I have missed blogging but the last few months have been a blur. I swear I just made those cupcakes! Anyway, Last semester was suicidal but I made it through somehow with passing grades. All I can say is I have battle wounds and I still hate Economics! This semester is better but still busy. J has started his busy season so I don't see him much but we are so thankful for his job!
The holidays were fun, Josh's fam came for thanksgiving which I thought was great. I learned how controlling and OCD I can be about things. To bad the fam had to witness it but I think they had some fun too? Christmas was good and I got to go home and see my family which I don't really remember because i was sick most of the time!
This gorgeous picture up top was taken during Christmas by one of my sisters friends, I need to find her name so I can give her cred. I think we turned out cute, especially the one on the right;)
Enjoy, hopefully I will get back to you soon. I've been working on some stuff so y'all definitely need to be updated. I promise I will get to it soon maybe in two weeks;)