Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yay! They're Over!!!

Mr. J passed all of his CPA tests!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him! I get a sick feeling whenever someone tells they are taking their CPA tests. Now there is No more studying all day everyday, even weekends! Those tests are so hard and now they are all over and guess what people; We are totally celebrating! Since J had to take the dumb tests he gets to decide where we're going to go and I have a feeling we're going back to Disney Land (or someplace with a roller coaster)
From looking at this picture of us in Disney Land I'd say we would have a pretty good time!


Lacy said...

Congratulations! What a relief to have those over and you both can relax. Good job Josh and way to get them done early!

museumeg said...

HOORAY! Congratulations Josh! That is so great!!! I hope you guys get to do something super fun to celebrate!

Larsen's said...

You guys must be THRILLED!!! That is great news!

The Radmall's said...

Josh is my hero!!! We are going to go to Disney, come with us!

The McEwen's said...

Yay!!! I am so happy to hear that! Go celebrate!!!